12305745 - highly detailed planet earth at night, lit from behind the evening sun, with embossed continents, illuminated by light of cities, translucent and reflective ocean. earth is surrounded by a luminous network, representing the major air routes based on real

Week 5: Digital Stories

Over the next few weeks we’ll be driven by the question: “How does being digital enable new aspects of storytelling?” We’ll continue our exploration of story with a new focus on technology. We’ll start by getting some parameters around what is digital storytelling, but keep our focus more on the question, what can digital storytelling do?

As always, we’ll be car-talking about all these ideas, and whatever else strikes you from the readings, in Slack. Check in and share often.

WEEKLY DEADLINE: Monday, February 15 @ 8pm

Read + Chat

The New Digital Storytelling  Chapters 2-3 by Bryan Alexander (login info in Drive)

A selection of digital stories:

My Body: A Wunderkammer — hypertext story
by Shelley Jackson (1997)

The Boat — animated graphic novel
by Nam Le

Seven Digital Deadly Sins — interactive/mash-up story
NFB Digital Studio Vancouver, The Guardian and Jam3

Want to keep exploring? Check out the Digital Storytelling examples listed on UAF’s digital storytelling website.

Daily Create

Complete and post on Twitter at least 4 “Daily Creates” this week.

More about the Daily Create practice here.


Please read and respond to each other’s posts on what makes a story good. Leave comments on at least 2 posts. Comments should be more than “I agree!” or “Great job!” Instead, ask a question that pushes the thinking deeper, share a perspective that supports or challenges, or tell a story that resonates!

All of the posts are gathered here.

Weekly Declarations

Please fill out this this form to declare your progress in our explorations together this week.