dog reading and holding a blank newspaper

The Daily Create

The Daily Create originated in ds106, a digital storytelling course launched out of UMW in 2012. This course targeted computer science majors, and the purpose of the daily create was to get students to practice creating digital artifacts in draft form — one a day, shared with their peers.

Digital storytelling ideas have changed since 2012, as has the ds106 course (check out the current course here) — though it remains an inspiration for digital storytelling courses (this one included!). The Daily Create remains a cornerstone of the course, and serves to connect digital storytellers worldwide as they follow and respond to the daily prompts. We will build a connection with other digital storytelling courses and storytellers by participating in the Daily Create practice. Just as important, we’ll use the regular prompts to practice storytelling, which means generating and sharing lots of ideas — some good, some awful, some that are actually the same ideas, just stated differently. This kind of practice is essential to any art-making, and story is an art.

The Daily Create now has its own website, where you can even submit a suggested prompt. Better yet, the Daily Create has its own Twitter handle (@ds106dc) — follow them and use #ds106 when you tweet out your creation so that participants worldwide can connect with you. Please also use #ed677uaf so that we can find you, and #artisapractice to connect to other art-makers at UAF.