Boy shouting into a microphone, black and white

How to Chat

Most of our communication in this course, including weekly chats about the reading, will happen on our Slack team. You should expect to login, post, and respond at least twice a week to substantive discussions of the reading and the questions it raises for us. You can also use Slack to ask questions about assignments and all aspects of the course.

In a university course that meets weekly, we expect to complete the reading before class, when we’ll discuss it all at once. In an online, asynchronous course, you can share favorite quotes, your thoughts and questions as you read. Our chat platform, Slack, is truly meant for chatting, not posting paragraphs-long responses to the reading. Please, take advantage of the fact that we’re working asynchronously, and post what you’re thinking, when you’re thinking about it.

Finally, this is a discussion platform. When you login and see something you like or agree with, give it a nice emoji reaction. If you find disagreement or a chance to bring the ideas deeper, reply to the comment in a thread. Like storytelling, this will take some practice. We’ll get better at it, and we’ll be kind to each other while we’re learning.